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Introduction to Swordsmanship (1847)


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About Theoretical and Applied Introduction to Swordsmanship (Philipp Müller)

Philipp Müller’s original Theoretical and Applied Introduction to Swordsmanship treatise from 1847 on the subject of military sabre is translated for the first time into English. Müller was an artillery officer from Germany and a former instructor of swordsmanship for the Greek Royal Military School. He claimed to have followed the principles of swordsmanship as laid out by F.C. Christmann and G. Pfeffinger in their 1838 work Theoretical and practical instruction in cut and thrust fencing as well as the squadron cuts according to a completely new method, but he included his own modifications and improvements as well.

This treatise is one of the few of its kind in the Greek language. It is a complete work including advice on how to choose a good blade, how to defend yourself against left-handers or novices, along with instructions on footwork, guards and cuts, attacks against the blade, counter attacks, attacks in opposition, parries, defences, and more.

The original book was endorsed by King Otto of Greece, and we are proud to present this edition today.

Book Details

  • Original Author: Philipp Müller
  • Adaption/Interpretation by: George Zacharopoulos
  • Translators: George Zacharopoulos, Ilias G. Stypas
  • Reproduction Editor: Keith Farrell
  • Reproduction Publisher: Fallen Rook Publishing
  • Date of Publication: 11th May 2017
  • ISBN: 978-0-9934216-4-8
  • Binding: Perfect-Bound Paperback
  • Pages: 126
  • Height: 17.8 cm
  • Width: 22.9 cm
  • Language: English

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Philipp Muller
  • King Otto of Greece
  • Theoretical and Applied introduction to Swordsmanship
    • Foreword
    • Introduction
      • Concerning the Arms
      • Description of the arms and their parts: the sabre
      • About the mounting of the blade to the hilt
      • Defensive weapons (protective equipment)
      • Swordsmanship
      • Spathoforia (holding the sword)
      • About the strong and the weak part of the blade
      • About the position in general
      • Salutation
      • Valediction
      • The position (On Guard)
      • The distance
      • About the inner and outer parts (openings) and the position and direction of the blades towards them
      • Binding or engaging the blade
      • Bending the knees
      • Bending forward
      • Bending backwards
      • Stepping
      • A step forward
      • A step back
      • Double step forward
      • Double step backwards
      • The lunge
      • Recovering from a lunge
      • A leap back
      • Concerning cuts and their guards/parries
      • Concerning cutting
      • About guarding in general
      • About parrying
      • Concerning primary cuts
      • Concerning the secondary cuts
      • Concerning counter-­‐‑cuts
      • Concerning circular movements of the blade
      • Concerning oblique or circling steps
      • Beating on the blade
      • About the knowledge of the aphylaxia (unguarded, exposed targets)
      • About feints
      • Breaching the guard, making a cut and evading it
      • About the in tempo cuts
      • Theoretical approach of the practical lessons
    • SIXTH CHAPTER24 Lessons
      • Against the left-­‐‑handed opponent
      • Instructions for the left-­‐‑handed
      • Against the unskilled
      • About the assault
      • Observations for the students
      • Teaching swordsmanship
      • Rules of conduct in the fencing salle
      • Epilogue

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