1536 (Trad. 2016) - French translation of the Italian by Aurélien Calonne (Soft Cover)
Showing 1-31 of 31 item(s)
2004 - Guy Windor's first book. Still valuable as a general guide to how and why you should train swordsmanship.
2012 - Both a primer and a methodology, this book is perfect for the novice, while providing useful drills and ideas for advanced martial artists.
2014 - Both a primer and a methodology, this book is perfect for the novice, while providing useful drills and ideas for advanced martial artists.
2020 - This book builds on the foundation laid in The Medieval Longsword, and teaches you how to train Fiore dei Liberi’s Art of Arms.
2020 - Demystifies one of the greatest martial arts books of all time, Fiore dei Liberi's Il Fior di Battaglia
2018 - Learn how to train your mind and body to become an expert in historical martial arts: in any style.
2021 - The fundamental principles behind personal development and excellence in any field : by a swordsman.
An investigation of the Company of Liechtenauer, tracing their connections and influences through archival records spanning more than a century.
2015 - Topics in this anthology include chivalry, history and research, studies of weapons, test cutting, and practical HEMA concerns.